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On my astrology studies, I’ve very quickly learnt that when Pluto is having an influence in your life, you become like a snake shedding it’s skin.  The process can be very uncomfortable but the result of getting rid of the old for the new is worth it.  I’m talking about all of this because I have just finished my Death year.  Death of course is the Scorpio sign of the Major Arcana and it’s modern ruler is Pluto.

This past year has been one of the toughest I’ve had to face, but that’s what Death and Pluto do best.  They make you look at the deepest, darkest part of yourself and confront it face on so you can deal with it and get rid of it’s bad influence in your life.  For me it was all about going through a mental and emotional death, not a physical one.  Mentally I hit some very dark and ugly patches, but when I was down there I noticed that one of the biggest life lessons I learnt was spirituality.  Everything from learning how to communicate with my angels to studying the chakras and the kundalini power to the tree of life, to getting back in touch with my roots, my ancestors.  I come from an Indigenous Australian family so spirituality is a huge part of our culture as is a snake, the Rainbow Serpent, our mother and creator.  I come from Yamatji Badimia people and we call her Bemarra.

Over the course of my Death year I kept having reoccurring dreams of being bitten by snakes and for women to dream of this can have a meaning of building your inner strength.  I noticed a pattern of me having one of these dreams a few days before I would hit one of those ugly patches.  I’d like to think that Bemarra was teaching me to become a better person and to change the way I thought about my life.  I now go into my Temperance year feeling much stronger mentally and wanting to study in more depth everything related with the spiritual side of life, which I hope to write more about so in my own way I can thank her.